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Academy for Learning in Retirement returns in September


The Academy for Learning in Retirement (ALR) begins the fall semester programs with Dr. Elmo “Joe” Roach’s four presentations in September on the Russian-Ukrainian war, ALR said in a news release. It will also explore the probable results.

The dates and topics of presentation are

  • Tuesday, Sept. 12: “Background to the War”
  • Thursday, Sept. 14: “The Ukrainian Experience”
  • Tuesday, Sept. 19: “The Invasion of Ukraine and its Consequences”
  • Thursday, Sept. 21: “The War in Detail.”

Register for the presentations, which will be conducted via Zoom, at dacc.nmsu.edu/academics/programs/academy-learning-in-retirement/.

Each presentation will open at 10 a.m., with the lecture beginning at 10:30 a.m.

Presentations will be recorded for viewing by registrants at their leisure.

The fee for the four September presentations is $20. Or register for all four fall presentations for $48. 

ALR sessions will continue on Zoom for fall 2023 and will return to in-person sessions in 2024.

Roach is a United States Marine Corps veteran who earned a Ph.D. in Russian history from Ohio State University in 1968.

Roach’s first trip to Russia and Ukraine was in 1967 while doing research for his Ph.D., ALR said. He traveled to the region almost every year throughout the 1970s and ‘80s. As a professor of history during the 1990s, Roach served as consultant for Caterpillar Inc.’s joint venture efforts in Russia and Siberia and for the Samara Oblast on the Volga River.

Roach is an emeritus professor at Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois, where he taught 1968-2005 and served as director of international programs. He was among the first Americans to enter several formerly closed Soviet cities in the 1990s, when he led delegations as often as three or four times a year to Russia and Siberia.

Roach administered numerous Eurasia Foundation grants for advanced Russian and East European students to study in the U.S., ALR said. His highest distinction was being inducted as a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences in Moscow in 1994.

ALR’s October sessions will focus on “Nuclear New Mexico.” The November topic is “Life on the Wing.” December sessions will discuss “The Art of China.”

ALR is a nonprofit started in 1992 by former NMSU President Gerald Thomas, along with retired deans Thomas Gale, Virginia Higbie, Flavia McCormick and others, including former professor and teacher Clarence Fielder.

ALR offers presentations from September through May each year. The presentations are often given by current or retired NMSU faculty and staff members, along with other experts.